Fred Fowle - The Master Fairground Artist

Photo  Copyright of KBMorgan Please ask for permission to use any photographs on my website.
This is the wonderful painter 'The Master' Fred Fowle. Years ago I kept seeing a particular style of painting at all the fairs and I loved it...It was always signed by Fred Fowle. At college I mentioned Fred's name to one of my tutors Mike McInnery, I was as pleased as punch when he said that he had met Fred, that Fred was still about and that he could give me Fred's telephone number and address! I wrote to him and got a reply saying that I would be welcome if I thought it was worth it.

The original letter that Fred sent to me that kicked everything off for me.
I visited Fred and found him very friendly and approachable, and it was definitely a very rewarding visit. He was happy to explain in detail how to do the painting techniques and answer all my questions. I tried to visit as often as I could that year, and was lucky to meet Mark Gill another fabulous painter now working in Australia, I believe...he had a very cheeky and contagious smile. I also met Roger Vinney a champion woodgrainer and cartoonist..he had a woodgrained fridge in his kitchen along with grained glass milk bottles! I wrote my degree thesis all about Fred.
They were all a total inspiration to me and  that is why I do what I do now.

Photo Copyright KBMorgan
George Codona's Waltzer..Side of a waltzer car being decorated by Fred Fowle.

Self portrait of Roger Vinney from a Ghost Ride.

Gypsy Lee boards in background painted by Mark Gill..At least I'm pretty sure they were his.

A daft thing happened due to the top Black and White photograph. One day I noticed it being used on a fairground website, I was pleased and surprised and asked if they could just add a caption saying that I had taken the photograph...well talk about a misunderstanding another ladies name was mentioned and they said that they would remove it completely because of goodness knows what...very silly so I thought I would share it with everyone again plus some other pictures because Fred was 'MAGIC' and I was extremely privileged to meet him and see him at work.
An interesting website with photographs of the completed waltzer can be found at
A very good film about fairground art is - Our Business is Fun

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  • #1

    Mr Dave sefton (Sunday, 12 August 2018 22:34)

    Fred fowel work is amazing how could someone like me who is a full time career purchase a piece from on my budget please could you let me know I am his biggest fan I don't work because my mother has dementia and before that my father had it and died from it he loved his art even when he died he still remember him at 86 years of age that is were I got to see the masters work if u could please let me know his to purchase one I would be so grateful thanks Dave sefton